Chocolate Mousse & Cucumber Granita


La Vida Vegan coconut chocolate spread 
300 ml Vegan cream
150 g Vegan white chocolate

1/2 Cucumber
100 ml water
100 g sugar
Peppermint leaves

250 ml aquafaba
400 g sugar
2 tspn lemon juice
10 g cornstarch

The instructions

  1. Heat the cream in a pan, but do not let it boil.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and melt the chocolate and some La Vida Vegan coconut spread. Stir until it is all melted and let it cool.
  3. Cover the pan and set it in the fridge to firm for about 5 hours.

  4. Bring the sugar and water to a boil. Let it simmer for about 2 minutes.
  5. Pour the syrup in a bowl and allow it to cool slightly.
  6. Blend or puree the cucumber and peppermint leaves. Pass it through a sieve, and mix it with the syrup.
  7. Cover and freeze for about 5 hours. Scrape the mixture in intervals for about 4 times until it is frozen solid.

  8. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees.
  9. Beat the aquafaba foamy with 150g of sugar and the lemon juice.
  10. Add another 250g of sugar little by little while mixing.
  11. Sift the cornstarch over the whipped aquafaba and gently spoon it through.
  12. Scoop large spoonfuls onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake firm in about 2 hours at 100 degrees.

    Crumble the meringues in a glass. Put the coconut mousse on top and add the granita on top of the mousse. Serve immediately.